Devlog 11

Covenant: Project Zero

Covenant: Project Zero is a space opera set in a universe where interstellar corporations and big money interests run everything. Embark on an action-packed adventure as Captain John Covenant, accompanied by a band of rag-tag misfits, to confront the dark evil lurking in the universe.

You can now download and play the demo of [b]Covenant: Project Zero[/b] on our game's steam page! Check it out, it's available for both PC and Mac. We worked around the clock for months towards a release date of our first fully in-house developed title, and along the way found it increasingly necessary to share a playable version of our game. The demo you can now play introduces the players to the world of Covenant, the main designs and gameplay ideas of our game. Dialogue and story driven first - C:PZ also has an arcade and a mission solve component. The dialogue component comes legacy of the game's roots, as it started as a novel trilogy. But, as things progress who knows - one day it may become a game trilogy! Along the way our arcade mindset introduced more and more of the combat components and action game logics, and expanded the idea into a more complex arcade adventure drawing on all the best ideas we could seamlessly craft into the gameplay. Covenant: Project Zero will hit the digital shelves in 2023 on as many platforms as we manage to port it to, with Steam PC and Mac builds being the ones already in the works. We hope you will get a good idea of the look and feel of the world of Covenant, and invite you to play the demo and tell us about it!