Explore a post-apocalyptic island, craft, build, tear down enemy bases, defend and nuke your rivals! Life's about surviving in this multiplayer game, no matter what it takes!
Dear players,
Thank you for your invaluable feedback. Your input has been crucial in improving the game. We're excited to share this patch, which addresses several issues and introduces some exciting changes.
Community Credits:
Special thanks to Scpk for testing and reporting several bugs and improvements.
[b]Gameplay Changes and Improvements[/b]
[*]The Main Menu and in-game user interfaces have been adjusted to a grey tone.
[*]Main Menu music has been changed.
[*]The pixel font has been replaced with a more readable font.
[*]NPCs that are armed can now switch weapons to make close-range melee attacks if the player gets too close.
[*]Added a console command for admins to change positions.
[*]Added a console command for admins to change the time of day instantly.
[b]Bug Fixes[/b]
[*]Fixed odd behavior of some loot containers next to fences when hit.
[*]Fixed an issue where the swing animation would still play when entering a boat.
[*]Fixed an issue where a non-cloth item could be inserted into a clothing slot that already had cloth from a storage container.
[*]Fixed an issue where backwalls of monuments could be painted, introduced in the last patch when we added the no-build zone overlay.
We're continually working to improve the game based on your feedback. Thank you for your ongoing support and patience as we refine the experience.
Happy gaming!
Markus & Simon
[u]Join our community on Discord and test the demo on Steam.[/u]
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