Delay on 0.2.0 Update


Exoblast is a mix of shoot’em up and arcade game, pimped with synthwave and pixelart. Choose your pilot, your ship and join the arena to confront other players in nervous and punitive matches. Impose your gameplay and reach the top of the tower!

Dear pilots! Version 0.2.0 is coming soon! Lately we have been extremely busy. We had to think about a lot of things for the rest of the game while working on the feedback from the players - that's why this update will arrive late. So here is the list of the improvements of this patch (currently planned) : [list] [*] Controller integration : It is now possible to navigate in the menus with the controller! [*] New server : It was about time! A US server will be deployed, with more smoothness and less lag for North American players. [*] Server choice: We decided that it was better to let the players choose the server on which they play - you will be able to change the server on the selection screen. [*] MacOS is now supported. [/list] Bug hunting season is always open (your feedback really helps us) : [list] [*] English translation corrected [*] Pilot powers (shield recharging) [/list] What we are Currently working on (it won't necessarily be in this next version, though) : [list] [*] Preparation of the ranked mode, design of the environment and rewards, management of the matchmaking via player classification. [*] Adding a single-player campaign mode. We can't say more right now – we’re taking inspiration from things we like in other games ;) [*] Redesign of the ships, laser cutting ! We'd like to add the possibility to create your own ship by combining different parts in unique combinations. It's all up to you! [*] Modification of the hangar screen, we'll have to change everything to turn it into a real workshop! [*] Complete redesign of all screens and menus, as we didn't think it was intuitive / user-friendly enough. [/list] Thanks for your support and see you soon in the arena.