0.3 is out!


Exoblast is a mix of shoot’em up and arcade game, pimped with synthwave and pixelart. Choose your pilot, your ship and join the arena to confront other players in nervous and punitive matches. Impose your gameplay and reach the top of the tower!

Challengers! Thank you for your patience. The 0.3 update is here! It took way more time than expected; We truly apologize about it and we have a good reason. Dedicated to make the best game we could, we asked many different Pixel-Artist for their feedback and advice for improvements. Then [url=https://twitter.com/CamiUnknown]CamilleUnknown (a famous Twitch Pixel-Artist ndlr)[/url] joined us. It was unexpected, and the cost of development was high. We decided to make, again (yes), the complete rework of the game artwork. And we all think it is for the best. [previewyoutube=8e5pRF7cgA4;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] If you can’t wait to try it out just go grab that latest version and start playing now! Here’s the full details of what has been done, what has been delayed to the next update (0.4) and added to the 0.3: [h2]Overall UI and UX.[/h2] First of all you will notice the big change of the in-game art. This means also a full polish of the UI and UX, if some minor components are not yet perfect for us, we will continue to improve every single aspect of every screen. We added some animations in the UI and also some shaders to make it feel glitchy and alive. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37945100/b86d1a6fbf772beec15bdb2e09cc2d1874a6122d.gif[/img] [h2]The New Design of the Ships[/h2] As we said before, we have been working on a “modular ship” system for so long, it was really hard to make recognizable modules and keeping uniformity among them. So we completely changed how it was, and now modules are all standalones “items” floating in the air. They will be recognisable from their dedicated position see below. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37945100/28481fb98d415f276832dffceb647d457dd9ce55.jpg[/img] And ships are now animated ! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37945100/ee42a78eae99491de06a597b7f5d8010f24ac6dc.gif[/img] Ok now you probably need answers to a certain question... “how many modules are available ?” 72! Yes you are now able to craft and “play” with 72 modules. This gives you 12 possibilities for each type of module but remember, the ship design system is limited with 10 points. You need at least 4 modules, max 6, to make the best ship ever. So be wise and find the perfect combination that matches your own playstyle. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37945100/acec7b3092adbeee5ac1ce5d4ee27ec397e67be3.gif[/img] Also don’t forget the pilot’s skills that can create awesome synergies with those modules. [h2]Introducing the Crafting System[/h2] New modules means a new way of progression through the game, and what was more obvious than making a crafting system with blueprints? We’ve been talking about it, but haven't been able to be more detailed about it, as our ideas weren’t yet mapped out. Let me introduce the “forge” screen. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37945100/dfbc086694d7a88e9bd0be9874ab5b7be47b8a5b.gif[/img] This new screen allows you to craft different things in the game: [list] [*] Higher-tier resources (we will talk about that in the “rewards” section) [*] Modules [*] Skinned modules [/list] To craft a blueprint, you need resources that you can earn or craft in many ways and a specific amount of Suns. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37945100/db3dc851cb624ae7e84187179648beb3bc4e4f28.gif[/img] “Why do I have to use Suns for crafting?” you may ask. Legit question. We do not want a beginner to come in the game, get a pack of resources (or being lucky with the loot) and craft high tier modules without playing. It would not be fair to other players and could also bring game balance troubles. Also, to unlock “skins” for modules, you’ll have to craft them and then apply that skin to a module ! Be aware that your forge has a level, from 1 to 5. Each level of the forge will unlock a new slot which will allow you to create more advanced blueprints. The upgrade of the forge costs Suns and specific resources for the same reason we decided to limit the craft of blueprints. Let’s now talk about the progression. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37945100/5de3b2283fb47e2d99787f12987e732cac9e11e0.jpg[/img] This is the TechTree of Pongarena 0.3. On this screen you have 3 important types of information. [list] [*] Green squares: means you already own it in at least 1 skin version [*] Orange squares: means the tech is unlocked, and you can craft it (if the forge is high-level enough) [*] Red squares: means that tech is locked, and you’ll have to craft every blueprint that is connected with an orange wire. [/list] The TechTree also allows you to see details of every single module in the game. For now we think it is not useful to make a module “unknown” (and you can’t see it) but this might change in the future. [h2]The New Mode: “VS AI”[/h2] A big deal previously was the AI system : the AI was locally computed on your computer and you were able to choose a pilot + ship for the AI. We want an AI that’ll evolve with you and always give you a fair challenge with fair rewards. In the 0.3 we are just introducing the mechanic but you can still choose the “level AI”. In the future we want the AI to automatically change the ship and the level, according to your true level. Also, the AI is using a standard pilot today, but this will change along the coming updates. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37945100/e8c75e60c5474cd51f2ef12c675ea7151a2c7fe8.png[/img] Please note that you can still choose the AI you want to fight in the local mode (you can also choose AI versus AI which is super fun to sit and watch). [h2]New Settings “Servers Selector”[/h2] As we said many times, “more servers are coming”. It’s not a simple deal; in fact many games and indie games are facing this problem at some point. We wanted to make something solid in the long term. But we also wanted to keep one big community and not split players by regions/countries. So now, when you first launch the game, you’ll have to choose servers you agree to play on. You can pick a favorite which will be used for matchmaking. But if no one is available in your favorite area, then someone will be matched following your preferences. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37945100/5d694a0a6c8beac0beae8a917d72e8e427f6a42f.png[/img] If it sounds a bit tricky to you, just keep one server, and if you are waiting too much, go back to the screen and add some more servers. For the 0.3 launch we have “only” 2 regions: US (8 servers) and EU (8 servers). We will add servers/regions to meet the community evolution. Servers cost a lot of money, so we can’t just set up a server for “one player”. Bring many friends and we will give you the servers 😉 [h2]Rewards and Inventory[/h2] Finally, rewards and inventory. As we’ve been adding crafts with blueprints using resources and skins, an inventory screen was required. It is accessible from the forge screen and is very simple for now, it just lists every resource (and skins) you own. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37945100/db3dc851cb624ae7e84187179648beb3bc4e4f28.gif[/img] We will change this screen if we feel it is helpful, adding maybe some features or link into it. About the rewards, every time you play a game online (versus AI or “Online”) you’ll loot Suns and XP as it was before, but also some resources. The quantity depends on a lot of parameters so fight well and you’ll be rewarded. Later, when the shop is back, it will be possible to get resources from the shop with Suns or Dreampoints. We are also working on new features to give you various ways to grab resources, but for now you will have to play! 👾 [h2]What’s Next?[/h2] Yes it’s already time to talk about what’s coming next. The last time we said “the ranked mode will be in the 0.3”. Considering all that work we’ve done; we had to put it aside and finish the 0.3 version. So the main content of the 0.4 version will be the ranked mode. Of course that’s not the “only” thing, but we are not sure about the other points. For now, we are awaiting your feedback on version 0.3. Please join us on the streams, on [url=https://discord.gg/X2H8uKaS]Discord[/url], on the Steam group, let us know your opinion and come fight us!