1.0.2 - Ranked Elo fix, some balance and tutorial is back !


Exoblast is a mix of shoot’em up and arcade game, pimped with synthwave and pixelart. Choose your pilot, your ship and join the arena to confront other players in nervous and punitive matches. Impose your gameplay and reach the top of the tower!

Hello, Pilots! Many of you joined us during the last week, we are so happy about it. A lot of feedback has been sent back to us, mostly around the ranked game mode and the newbro’s accessibility. Without waiting anymore, here are the Changelogs: [list] [*]Tutorial ! If you haven’t played it yet, you will get it, no worry, you can skip it (that’s a first version that we will improve in the future) [*]Default ship is now becoming the Destroyer [*]Destroyer’s minimal firepower have been slightly reduced, a bigger balance update will be done soon (mostly focused on pilots and others ships) [*]Various languages mistakes fixed [*]VS IA gamemode is now the default mode for level 1 players [*]A popup appears to warn a level 1 player when he tries to join online matchmaking [*]ELO ranking have been improved/changed (player with ELO have got their ELO calculated accordingly, no loss have been seen) [*]Matchmaking modification to get it more precise and more balanced in between the player’s level (waiting slightly longer) [*]Readycheck auto-cancel bug have been fixed if the queue is left [*]IA training level start at level 5 [*]The server with the less ping is defined as the lowest one [*]Bug with command spam during training/queue is now fixed [*]Bug about the winner’s name on the endgame screen is now fixed [*]Bug on the replay button of a local game is now fixed [*]You can’t join anymore a game where you’ve been kicked from [*]VFX of the goal have been improved [*]Reward part of the endgame screen have been visually improved [/list] If it’s not already the case, we invite you to join us on our Discord server, to find opponents and participate in the bug chases. Come join our growing community ! Also, we invite you to leave a positive review on the Steam page, it greatly helps us and give the game a bigger visibility to get more players which mean more opponents to fight. Exoblast works only with his community support and we all thank you for being part of it ! The next patch will follow soon, we hope it will fulfill your attempts.