0.9 "Back to Basics" Update


Exoblast is a mix of shoot’em up and arcade game, pimped with synthwave and pixelart. Choose your pilot, your ship and join the arena to confront other players in nervous and punitive matches. Impose your gameplay and reach the top of the tower!

[h1]Version 0.9 “Back to Basics” is here![/h1] [h2]Welcome back, Pilot![/h2] We're glad to see you back. A lot has [b]changed [/b]since the last time you were here. You may be confused by the drastic decisions we have made, but we will explain them to you. Exoblast is now rolling from version 0.5 to 0.9 because we changed a lot of things and what we wanted for the game, to focus on the main experience of Exoblast “instant fun and simplicity”. Enjoy the game, online or offline with friends, forget about farming and progression and focus on mastery. The development of Exoblast has been going on for almost three years. After trying many things, we found what was the most important and how to exploit it properly. The number one feature of Exoblast is [b]“the simplicity”[/b]. By adding crafting, farming, and progression, the game was more complex without being more fun. At first, we wanted Exoblast to be a “Free To Play”, we decided it is now completely free. Removing everything related to progression allows us to give fair matches between new and old players. Now only skill will make a difference. In order to support the game and the devs, we decided to create purchasable packs, soon available. Those packs will give ship Skins and will support the game and its becoming, thanks to you. [h2]Removed features[/h2] -The customization of ships is removed. The balance was hard and a lot of unfair matchup was possible because of the variety and freedom of the feature. By pushing back fixed ships, we have a better control of the balance and experience. The modularity was also a big limitation for artists. -The Forge is removed, not required as customization and farming are removed. -Currencies, the shop button, and inventory are removed. [h2]New features[/h2] - This update comes with 6 different ships, all of them are playable and do not require any unlock. They are [b]all different[/b] to let you choose your play style. We can't wait for you to get your hands on these ships with their unique designs and gameplays! [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/37945100/9c471a83b7245e26a667be1393aad5b9fffc0a64.gif[/img] - The interface during gameplay has been completely reworked and display more interesting information on the screen. [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/37945100/08b78b1270abf4e4f574b23ac3e664e9e1e38134.png[/img] The in-game version is a pre 1.0 version. Improvements on the menus will be released for the version 1.0 pretty soon. Thanks for your patience Pilot! See you in the arenas.