
Exoblast is a mix of shoot’em up and arcade game, pimped with synthwave and pixelart. Choose your pilot, your ship and join the arena to confront other players in nervous and punitive matches. Impose your gameplay and reach the top of the tower!

We’ve got some unexpected issues and had to delay it a bit, but the 0.1 update is here. In this first “big” update we wanted to add some game changers, this brings the pilots. We also focused a lot on the “comfort” while playing the game, In Game Menu, and Fullscreen mode and some readability on the UI. The special unplanned feature is the arena size, this should let you and us experiment to plan the future of Pongarena. Please keep reading the patch-note for full details. The next big update is already ongoing and will bring more visual and options than gameplay but should make the game way more enjoyable. Still wondering what we are working on? Don’t miss our open public board on [url=https://trello.com/b/LqWYfZtE/pongarena-early-access]Trello[/url]. Thanks for playing the game! [h2]Pilots[/h2] Three highly skilled pilots are making an entrance: welcome Nisha, Rikito and Kalak! Discover their stories and their special talents. Choose your pilot to enhance your ship’s strengths or to compensate for your ship’s weaknesses. What Ship/Pilot combo will you play? Please note that the pilots are currently only available in Online and Custom modes. [h2]Fullscreen mode[/h2] You were a lot to ask for this feature so we made it! You can now press Alt + Enter or F11 to enter fullscreen mode. Your feedback is always welcome, thank you for helping us make Pongarena a better game! [h2]In game menu[/h2] Want to pause the game in local mode to scratch your neck while fighting lvl 6 AI? What about increasing the volume to listen to LukHash’s music? Or maybe you have to go and want to surrender the game… KEEP CALM, the in game menu is finally here to answer all your needs! [h2]Arena sizes[/h2] We are planning to add new arenas to the game in the future. We have some ideas like adding obstacles, force fields or random events to the arena. In this update you can now change the size of the arena in the Custom and Local modes. We hope you like the feature and let us know on [url=https://discord.com/invite/65Taq3V]Discord [/url] which sizes are your favorites and why! [h2]Arena tweak[/h2] The inhibitors and the force field of your opponent are now disabled when you destroy his ship. [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*]we removed the vs screen when tutorial starts [*]when you already are in custom game, you can’t create a different custom game anymore [*]fixed what was causing a small delay when changing mode when you are in custom [*]fix server ticks if server is under too much load [/list] Bug hunt is always open! We do our best stomping them fast whenever you report one. [h2]UI changes[/h2] [list] [*]you can now start the tutorial from home -> settings menu [*]ship stats are now easier to read [*]new font to improve readability [*]we added player names in game [/list]