DDS2 Devlog Recap vol. 3: Let’s make this place your own!

Drug Dealer Simulator

Have you ever thought about expanding your own crime empire, without the legal and moral consequences? SIMULATE IT! Crawl into the dark alleys of the drug dealing business. Now with SIX big free updates introducing new mechanics, maps... and a sequel - DDS2 - is out NOW!

Dealers, DDS2 is getting closer! And this game will offer you a lot more customization options than just decorating your hideout. Not that decorating is not absolutely awesome! Let’s look at what you can do to make your gameplay truly yours. And let’s start with hideouts! There are numerous hideouts on Isla Sobra and they vary in size, price and the way they look. You can buy hideouts that have their own gardens or docks, a balcony, or a parking spot. There are also flats available in tenement houses. The hideouts vary not only in size and location. Some hideouts have access to running water which allows you to grow Marijuana plants much easier. And in some hideouts, you may install a phone so you can listen to voicemail. Do remember tho that you need to pay bills for water and electricity. [previewyoutube=Ah9TpBkHvJs;full][/previewyoutube] Hideouts have something called a hideout stash – it’s a thingamajig where you can store your goods and access them from every place in that hideout. Another type of storage available in the hideout is substance storage where, as the name suggests, all the substances are stored. If you place more containers around, you can increase the capacity of your substance storage. When you craft your produce, you generate waste which also takes up space. You can get rid of it if you pay for waste removal. Hideouts are not only for you and your luxury. They’re also a place where your employees (lab technicians or distributors) will work. Remember to make it a nice place to be in! Even more so because you can adopt pets and keep them there. You want your pets to be happy, right? Right??? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43095044/e19fc800cb620603c5892cbba0b701c9c7968d7a.png[/img] There is also one more thing you need to remember: hideouts are not immune to the outside world. It may happen that your place will be discovered and you’ll find yourself facing a raid and potential losses connected with it. You can try to get the money and drugs, and run away. Or you can try installing better locks and bars in your windows – that way you’re gonna get more time to run. Gotta save the goods, right? And the last thing – of course, you will not be buying a cat in a bag! Before you commit to purchasing a hideout, you can get in and look around, see if it’s a good place for your operations. So choose wisely! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43095044/d9c18d090e15f08c1aaf9d5a3b451972a1ed647d.png[/img] BUT, hideouts are not the only thing you can customise! You can also choose a character to play, dress them up, and customize your cartel (your gameplay). Each of the players can choose the speed of XP gain, reputation gain (or loss) or the speed to crafting stations. If you prefer a more chill approach, you can switch off the raids and adjust the damage you deal and take from the NPCs. And more! You can configure your game either when you create a new cartel or later on in the gameplay after you interact with the boss desk. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43095044/afe18b8528d44027ad139d027c283f83778a18d0.png[/img] There are 4 available presets in the game. [b]Default[/b] – recommended settings for your first game [b]Economic[/b] – preset best suited for players wanting to explore the economic side of the game. It lets you focus on your crime business without the worry of getting punched in the face (meaning the thugs will be easier to deal with) [b]Gangsta[/b] – this preset is for all of you who prefer a more difficult gameplay filled with combat. Thugs will hit harder and you need to watch out for raids [b]Chillout[/b] – it’s the best preset for casual gamers who want a nice chill experience while growing their business. If you simply want to enjoy the views of Isla Sombra, this preset is for you. Game progression is faster, thugs are easy to deal with, and raids are disabled You can also create your own custom rule set to apply for later games. Wow, that’s a lot of info! Got it all? ;) ALSO, you can now find hidden DDS2 keys (activate after release) in special devlogs. How? And where? You will have to look around and find out for yourself. With love, Alyss <3