Beta patch 1.2

Beat Me!

Beat Me! is a physics-based multiplayer game for up to 6 players. Play with comical fantasy characters in a wide variety of fun and surprising environments. Challenge your friends locally or beat others over the internet!

Changelog: - Added posibility to change region (online game) - Fixed player's block. The block needs to be tested, because it can really change the game - Fixed Archer's color (the bow and arrows have the same color as the player. Arrows are more visible) - Fixed Archer's arrow behavior. In the moment of collision, they bounce or stick to the target - Fixed Skeleton audio problem - Fixed back to lobby issue - Fixed multiple resolutions in video settings - Fixed incorrect players' colors in online chat room - Fixed current players' info in online chat room (when player disconnected / connected) - Fixed players' colors during online game (when player reconnected) - Fixed reconnect to online game (bug associated with visible main menu and information about connecting to room) - Fixed Magic's block visibility after death - Fixed Skeleton's colors - Fixed damage after death (Knight, Golem, and Skeleton) - Fixed Golem's colors - Fixed physics on character's props - Fixed killer particle on pirates' scenes - Fixed friction on Pirate Sink scene - Disabled attack when blocking - Disabled Knight ultimate attack after death - Improved Input