Ba Dum Tss! Arttista 1.7 is finally here!


Arttista is a vector drawing software with a powerful and fast render that tries to render with illustration or painting aspect much as possible. This give us beautiful results while every little thing remaining editable at any time.

Arttista get into it's new 1.7 version with a huge feature addition: [b]A Bones Animation System[/b]. "Bones" is a "must have" feature that was missing in Arttista older versions. Now, you can use it with Arttista frame-to-frame animation and a lot of improvements and new stuff. During the development, [b]a short film called "Sea Adventures"[/b] was created to test the new version. A lot of bugs was fixed and a lot of new ideas was implemented. Except for the video edition, Arttista was the only software used to create this short film and you will see the original .art files inside your Arttista 1.7 installation. [b]You must watch "Sea Adventures", a short film created on Arttista 1.7[/b] [previewyoutube=cabgGn-rqrY;full][/previewyoutube] [b] Here, you can watch a simple tutorial about bones divided into 3 parts:[/b] [b]Part 1/3)[/b] [previewyoutube=cJSeQR2nyko;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Part 2/3)[/b] [previewyoutube=kmBdlfM83wo;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Part 3/3)[/b] [previewyoutube=pafJmmF7kvA;full][/previewyoutube] [b] Whats new In Arttista 1.7?[/b] [list] [*] Bones Animation System [*] A lot, huge, mega blaster huge amount of bug fix related to animation module [*] Now is possible to cancel animation during exportion to png sequence [*] Now scissor also cuts same position in all animation frames [*] Better scale algorithm when using with keyframe tool [*] Now you can double click at some group to get it on spotlight mode [*] Now you can remove textures that aren't used anymore [*] Now you can revalidate some object frame just pressing F7 and then, last valid frame contente will be set in current frame for selected objects [*] Now you can clear object selection when you're using "Circle Area Selection Mode" just pressing ESC [*] New algorithm for "Live Simplefy" and settings for it, letting hand drawing mode more natural [*] Now edition panel has buttons for disabled/reset or equal set rotation, transparency and size for all selected points [*] Better Smooth algorithm [*] Now you can use SSAA on animation during exporting [*] There is more settings avaiable in preference panel [*] Now, when you copy or move some content at Timeline, keyframe indicators are moved/copied too [/list]