Arttista 1.8.2 Is Here With New Animation Features!


Arttista is a vector drawing software with a powerful and fast render that tries to render with illustration or painting aspect much as possible. This give us beautiful results while every little thing remaining editable at any time.

Hello Folks. Here i'm with a new update for Arttista, 1.8.2 version. This time we have a new nice feature called [b]"Bones Live Transformation"[/b] that is a realtme interpolation tool for bones. It is really usefull when you already have some animation and want to change your bones, but wanna to keep animation of the all shapes related to each interpoled bone. You may watch this video to learn how and when to use it: [previewyoutube=wyPvCE9YQBM;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Here is a complete changelog for Arttista 1.8.2[/b] [list] [*] BugFix: ESC key for stop drawing or painting was not working [*] New: There is a new bone working mode called "Live Transformation" that applies live rotation to all points(skin) that belongs to a joint(bone) between keyframes while you're moving the mouse [*] BugFix: On interpolation of objects that are hidden in some frames where interpolation will happen [*] New: Now, when you select one or more objects, timeline shows where these objects are shown and where they are hidden [*] BugFix: On in Ctrl+Z, that sometimes had lose some changes [*] BugFix: On pen alpha(transparency) and size when KeyframeTool was enabled [*] BugFix: On Horizontal and Vertical Invertion when KeyframeTool was enabled [*] New: Now you can select all objects from your drawn, even that ones that are hided on current frame, just pressing Shit+Ctrl+A instead Ctrl+A [*] BugFix: On move, rotate and scale selected points when [b]KeyframeTool[/b] was enabled [/list] Besides that, we are starting the Arttista Animation Guide. The Part one is ready to watch at [previewyoutube=IMapmzLl8yA;full][/previewyoutube] So, tell me... how is it going Arttista for you? Is Arttista helping you creating your stuff? Helmuth