Arttista 1.9.15 is here! Start draw and animate now


Arttista is a vector drawing software with a powerful and fast render that tries to render with illustration or painting aspect much as possible. This give us beautiful results while every little thing remaining editable at any time.

HI there. Arttista 1.9.15 is ready for you. Probably, is the last version before Arttista 2.0 that i hope will be ready on april's ending. I want to thanks Arttista Steam comunity that is made by passioned people always looking for the best, for the support. So, this is what changes in Arttista 1.9.15: [list] [*] Join selected groups into one single group [*] Group selected groups as a child groups of another group [*] Eraser now can be opaque(what is awesome to create polygonal transparent areas) [*] Live control point edition while drawing holding Shift key [*] Sharp curves after relase Ctrl Key [*] Timeline new waveform viewer(Phased) [*] Free hand pen improvements [*] Buf fixes(a lot) [/list] That's it. All this is fully explained when you'll open Arttista 1.9.15 for the first ime. May the force be with you, Helmuth