Full 2D Character Creation Tutorial on Arttista is Avaiable For Everyone


Arttista is a vector drawing software with a powerful and fast render that tries to render with illustration or painting aspect much as possible. This give us beautiful results while every little thing remaining editable at any time.

With a lot of love, a [b]complete training-tutorial was now available on Youtube[/b]. Distributed on 5 chapters, it covers from character creation to character animation ending with some gold tips and tricks using last Arttista features. It is available in English and Brazilian Portuguese. Se quaisquer dúvidas persistirem, você pode me contatar neste mesmo post ou abrindo um tópico na página do Arttista na Steam. If any questions persist, you can contact me in this same post or by opening a topic on the Arttista Steam page. I truly hope these tutorials are useful to all of you. [h1] [b]English Version [/b][/h1] [previewyoutube=J5SAhyZEp9U;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=J5xp5H0O7Cw;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=Kok6T3QKMF4;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=KKEtVli6-sk;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=qSBUnBI52CA;full][/previewyoutube] [h1][b]Portuguese Version [/b][/h1] [previewyoutube=xKwzMMBcxlE;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=Cs47zI92FJs;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=Cz98BiTagc0;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=7V4evyaKyPc;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=rxmh3npGu7Y;full][/previewyoutube]