(UPDATED)2D Animation Tutorial: How Do a Walking Cycle on Arttista


Arttista is a vector drawing software with a powerful and fast render that tries to render with illustration or painting aspect much as possible. This give us beautiful results while every little thing remaining editable at any time.

If you are suffering trying to make your characters starts to [b]walk with naturality[/b] or just want to know how to easily do it, this post is for you for sure. This week was very a special week. It was posted [b]one video by day[/b] showing how create a Walking Cycle and how add details on it. It was an amazing week. Thanks everybody [h2]Initial Video - How Create A Walking Cycle On Arttista[/h2] [previewyoutube=77ljiXHwpf4;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Day #1 Video - Let's put some glasses on him[/h2] [previewyoutube=-G_oZAJY70I;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Day #2 Video - Let's make him blinks[/h2] [previewyoutube=-G_oZAJY70I;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Day #3 Video - Let's add details on his t-shirt[/h2] [previewyoutube=czt-JJvHdlE;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Day #4 Video - Let's animate his hair[/h2] [previewyoutube=NG0oMQU5ZE4;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Day #5 Video - Let's make him whistle[/h2] [previewyoutube=DjVt3O1nlus;full][/previewyoutube]