ARBO Arena Tactics Build 1.58.6 Patch Notes

ARBO Arena Tactics Playtest

[list] [*] Optimized color of Arena Map and visibility of entities on the Map [*] Removed 2 Hextiles behind each Player’s Base from list of traversable Hextiles [*] Improved visuals of missed Ranged and Melee Attacks, to better communicate the miss [*] Corrected bug with Minion despawns, which sometimes caused Turns to desync at the start of a new Round [*] Corrected bug with negative Max MP Status Effect expiration, which prevented it from refunding MP that had been previously removed when the Status Effect was applied [*] Corrected bug with Siphonous Bite Protocol that caused it to remove more MP from a target than intended [*] Removed Line of Sight restriction for the N.O.M.A.D. Minion’s explosion, allowing its AoE Damage to hit targets behind Structures [*] Optimized how the game manages Summons, reducing frame rate drops from multiple Summons being active on the Arena Map [*] Updated Graviton Lance visual, allowing the Weapon to be persistently seen on its user until its Charges are depleted [*] Rebalanced the Overload Op so it no longer deals AoE Damage to Allied Units [*] Corrected bug with Ricochet Barrier Protocol to allow it to reflect Inertia Strike Damage back onto the User, accounting for all of its accumulated Stacks [*] Optimized Plasmic Blast Protocol to correctly apply the Incapacitated State in cases where one of its multiple Targets are killed by the AoE Damage [*] Added functionality to Exploding Vitus Strike Protocol. It now provides the User with a Defense Buff for 1 Round - scaling based on the amount of MP spent on the Protocol - in addition to its current effects. [*] The Sonic Boom Op no longer reduces the MP Regen of its targets [*] The Auto-Turret Structure's EP has been reduced from 80 EP to 60 EP [*] Reduced Molecular Shatter Protocol’s Damage and Energy from 80 to 60 [*] Reduced RBL Burner’s Damage to from 45 to 40 [*] Multiple Protocol-based Status Effects have been converted to Buffs, allowing them to be dispellable by Offensive Dispels such as Overload [*] The Successive Shocks Protocol’s Conductive Debuff can now transfer to Minions, in addition to Heroes [*] Terraform can now be cast on the same Hextile as the User, in addition to adjacent Hextiles [*] Redeveloped functionality of Mind Override Protocol. It now steals control of the target Hero for 1 Turn, rather than Incapacitating them. It now costs 80 EP, up from 40. [*] Corrected bug that prevented a User’s passive Weapon Buffs from expiring even if their respective Weapon had depleted its Charges [*] Corrected bug with missed Melee Attacks that prevented them from displaying visual or auditory cues during a miss [*] Corrected bug with Shadowy Apparition Minion that caused a Turn desync when its Coalesce ability was used [*] Corrected bug with Intercept Protocol which would incorrectly displace Units that were knocked into Structures placed on Stair Hextiles [*] Optimized logic used to spawn Summons, reducing the number of cases that a Summon could fail [*] Corrected bug with Incapacitated State auto-skips, causing the Unit’s Turn after the auto-skip to be unintentionally skipped [*] Updated various Protocol and Operation Tooltip descriptions [/list]