ARBO Arena Tactics Build 1.53.2, Patch Notes

ARBO Arena Tactics Playtest

[list] [*] Corrected a bug with multi-target selection that allowed Heroes to spawn more Summons than intended [*] Corrected visual bug with Incapacitate VFX [*] Corrected bug that could sometimes prevent players from connecting to Game Lobby [*] Corrected bug that allowed the Turn to increment into Units that were in the process of de-spawning [*] Optimized delays for Laser Salvo, Plasmic Blast, Salvage, Arachno-Tank, and Overload to reduce the chance of incorrect ability execution due to latency [*] Optimized delay for Clasping Hooks, to reduce the chance of a visual desync [*] Corrected a bug that could sometimes cause Status Effects to not expire properly when the original caster was de-spawned [*] Added TAB hotkey to Account Registry, allowing Users to tab through all input fields [*] Added new visual for Acid Mine [*] Added new visual for Cryo-Grenade [*] Added new visual for Solar Burst [*] Arachno-Tank's health has been reduced to 80 HP, from 90 HP [*] Arachno-Tank Spawn AoE has been increased to 15 Damage, from 10 Damage [*] Quick Shield has been reduced to 25 Shield Points, from 30 [*] Plasmic Blast no longer deals damage to Structures, only Heroes and Minions [/list]