ARBO Arena Tactics Build 1.50.2 Patch Notes

ARBO Arena Tactics Playtest

Recruits, we're just getting our bearings right with Steam so bear with us. Here is the update from the previous build. We will be uploading another build shortly. [list] [*] Disabled Line of Sight Targeting with Radial AoE (Magnetic Vortex/EMP) that would sometimes cause a desync in Unit positions [*] Added Status Effect descriptions for Grass Conceal and Base Armor [*] Disabled trigger mechanism for Mine while a Mini-Drone is occupying a Hextile with the respective Mine [*] Added visual indicator for Targets of Hack and Assimilate [*] Corrected visual bug with Cache that sometimes left a visible VFX on the Map [*] Corrected targeting bug with Cryo-Grenade, Players are no longer able to Target Hextiles with Boulders, Fences or Caches with the Cryo-Grenade [*] Corrected bug with Summon Targeting, where Players could Summon Structures on top of Grenades [/list]