ARBO Arena Tactics Build 1.53.5 Patch Notes

ARBO Arena Tactics Playtest

[list] [*] Corrected bug with Terraform, that did not properly update a Unit’s Status Effects when a Special Hextile was spawned on them [*] Corrected bug that caused Status effects to linger longer than intended if the original caster of the Effect had despawned [*] Corrected bug with Ricochet Barrier, that prevented it from being dispelled with abilities such as Tune Up [*] Cranial Lunge Operation functionality has changed, it is now a Status Effect rather than a Melee Attack, and will no longer use a Chance to Hit roll when applying its Daze Status Effect. It now also Dazes the User for 1 Round, along with the Target [*] Guerilla Warfare no provides its Damage Bonus when the User is occupying any Special Hextiles, rather than just Grass Special Hextiles [*] Added new visual for Guerilla Warfare [/list]