PhaigeX: Hyperspace Survivors

PhaigeX is a fast-paced "Bullet Heaven" space shooter that tasks the player to explore various space sectors and contain a rising incursion of rogue AI-controlled units. Pilot a variety of ships, call in the support craft, and use a myriad of upgrades to lay down heavy firepower towards the enemy.

Just a quick follow-up to the recent update. More kinks are being ironed out! Just like the battle with the A.I. menace, the battle for improvement never ends. [h2]Game Updates[/h2] [list] [*][h3]Hyperspace Mode Adjustments[/h3] - Numbered choices for options, which also serve as hotkeys 1-4 - Adjusted the event trigger parameters for [b][Capture Recon Base][/b] events [*][h3]Power Up Drop Rate Adjustments.[/h3] [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Achievement triggering issues for [b][Stealthy][/b] and [b][Get Rekt][/b] [*] Alter Skin unlocks triggering in Hyperspace Mode, should only work in Demolition [*] Hyperspace Mode: choice highlight bug triggered by hotkey press [*] Hyperspace Mode: weapon settings saved before moving to next sector [*] [b][VIP Power Card][/b] passive bugs caused by name mismatch [/list] The updates are once again, available on the Beta branch. [h2]To access the Beta Branch[/h2] [olist] [*] Right-click PhaigeX at the Game Library list [*] Click on Properties [*] Click on Betas [*] Under Private Betas, enter the code: [b]poweroverwhelming[/b] [*] Select your beta participation to [b]betabranch[/b] and you're good to go! [/olist] Towards a brighter future, The PhaigeX MegaCorp.