1.18 release candidate 2

Pixel Composer

A Node-based pixel art generator, editor, and VFX compositor. Create beautiful and complex effects in a non-destructive manner. Pixel Composer comes with a powerful graph system that supports multiple image manipulation, feedback effects, loop, physics, and fluid simulation.

[h2]Interface[/h2] [list] [*] Update node thumbnails. [*] [noparse][Textbox] Filename with reserved character, name will now be rejected.[/noparse] [*] Scrollpane now always uses reduced width to prevent content from jumping around. [*] [noparse]New experimental pop-up dialog. [Enable in preference][/noparse] [/list] [h2]Bugs[/h2] [list] [*] [noparse][Graph Panel] Fix creating a new node connected to or from the inline junction interface puts the node inside the group.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Graph, Inspector] Fix node not update junction while playing.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Inspector Panel] Fix metadata not editable.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Particle] Fix gradient evaluation error when after load.[/noparse] [*] Fix the default color has no alpha value (which causes the brush to not show up in the canvas node) [*] [noparse][Menu Panel] Fix menu thumbnail stick when hovering on other menu buttons after recent files.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][ScrollBox] Fix the widget show the sprite index as text instead of drawing it.[/noparse] [*] Fix disabling auto update still makes the node update in some cases. [/list]