A Node-based pixel art generator, editor, and VFX compositor. Create beautiful and complex effects in a non-destructive manner. Pixel Composer comes with a powerful graph system that supports multiple image manipulation, feedback effects, loop, physics, and fluid simulation.
[*] [noparse][Preview panel] Sampling 16, 32-bit color will now display as an array.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Preview panel] Add a button to pop up the current node preview as a floating preview window.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Preview panel] Add minimap.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Graph Panel] Improve node combine action (Ctrl+B, Ctrl+Shift+B) [/noparse]
[*] A base node (Blend, Composite) will be created when no node is selected.
[*] If a node(s) is selected, it will combine nodes based on the output type.
[*] Surface, Dynamic surface: Blend/Composite
[*] Number (int, float): Math/Statistic
[*] Boolean: Logic opr.
[*] Path: Path combine
[*] 3D object, light, scene: 3D scene
[*] [noparse][Graph Panel] Improve performance when viewing large palettes.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Inspector panel] Improve pathnode widget.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Add node] Sections are now collapsible.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Add node, inspector panel] Double-click on a section to collapse/expand all.[/noparse]
[*] Tile system.
[*] New 3D subdivide node.
[*] New Sky generator node.
[*] New shrink palette node.
[*] New ASE tag node.
[*] Replace RadSin interpolation with Lanczoz3 (RadSin is basically an approximated version of Lanczoz3, but it doesn't seem to do anything different from bilinear)
[*] Add the ability to expose node metadata (name, position) as a junction.
[*] [noparse][Displace Vertex] Add option to recalculate normal.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][L-system] Add 3D option.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Split text] Add periodic mode.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Blur] Add fractional unit to strength.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Canvas] Tile setting now applies to the drawing brush.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Scale Algorithm] Add rotation to the cleanedge algorithm.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Math, Pixel math] Add fract operation.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Pixel math] Add operations to match with math nodes.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Draw line, random shape, poly shape] Add antialiasing option (SSAA)[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Shape] Add corner radius property to gear shape.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Grid] Add random shift and random scale properties.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Grid] Shift property is now cascading.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Palette Extract] Improve performance.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][ASE Layer] Now use the layer name property instead of the node name.[/noparse]
[*] Fix oversample attribute apply incorrectly.
[*] Fix node attributes change after duplication.
[*] Fix scroll item not selecting the right item when searching.
[*] Fix enum value increasing when duplicate.
[*] Fix crash when editing area in fraction unit.
[*] [noparse][File explorer] Fix the error when dropping a file.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][VectorBox] Fix setting "use project dimension" now showing the project dim value.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Region Fill] Fix empty result in random color mode.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Point light] Fix render error.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Export] Exporting to .webp is now synchronous to prevent export errors.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][2D Light] Fix the ellipse shape not rendering properly.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Scatter] Fix error on creation.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Text] Fix error when using path.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Normal] Fix output not normalizing.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Normal] Add option to swap x axis.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Composite] Fix inspector shows properties for the wrong surface.[/noparse]
[*] [noparse][Export] Fix exporting using the same temp folder.[/noparse]