1.1.5 release: shelter types


The war is lost, the Capitol lies in ruins, and you’re on the run! Shardpunk mixes turn-based tactical strategy with RPG, survival, and resource management as you gather your team, scavenge for resources, fight enemy hordes, and seek shelter to live another day.

[h3]1.1.5 PATCH NOTES[/h3] [b]New features:[/b] [list] [*] Introduced shelter types. There are four shelter types available, each with different actions: [b]Military bunker:[/b] allows claiming extra upgrade parts, searching yields more grenades, [b]Medical bunker:[/b] allows full healing with no medical supplies cost, searching yields more medical supplies/stimpaks, [b]Greenhouse bunker:[/b] allows party-wide Dread reduction and extra bonuses, [b]Warehouse/storage bunker:[/b] similar to the pre-update bunkers. [*] Introduced dynamic shelter props that can appear in any shelter type: [b]Chess set:[/b] grants defense bonus and dread reduction, [b]Distillery:[/b] grants poison immunity and dread reduction, [b]Oil can:[/b] increases bot’s movement range, [b]Stove:[/b] increases bonuses from eating food supplies. [*] Introduced two new shelter actions (boosting the energy cell, power stimulant injection) [*] Introduced new map layouts. [/list] [b]Bugfixes:[/b] [list] [*] Characters who were rescued during a mission now can bleed out during such a mission. [*] Gunter’s Penetrating Shot action now is unavailable if his weapon is overheated. [/list] As usual, I am waiting for your feedback!