[*] KAZUMI: ally's effect works again
[*] [b]SAFETY IN NUMBERS: effect changed to reflect the card text[/b]
[*] ATTACK THE TEACHER: action can be saved and loaded during combat
[*] VENT CRAWLER: clicking through your death disabled
[*] fixed the top bar disappearing after changing the full-screen option while in the 1x scale
----------MINOR CHANGES:
[*] SECRET CHARACTER can't die interacting with the OUTER ENTITY
[*] BOTTLE [WATER]: added the [LIQUID] tag
[*] CROWBAR: missing combat messages issue fixed
[*] DELINQUENT GIRL: reason damage lowered to reflect the card text (3->2)
[*] quick play: random character selection fixed
[*] UCHIDA's ghost banished
[*] 'LIGHTSOURCE' is now a proper string for a_required, b_required, and c_required, allowing any in-game [LIGHT SOURCE] item to be required
[*] The health of custom enemies now scales properly as the playthrough progresses
[*] Yakitori and Golonka added to the [FRESH MEAT] deck
[*] [cht] typo fixed
Up next:
[b]Proper Steam integration[/b]