[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33542786/a19de089c49d88182e16a273f3d7110b0bf1af26.png[/img][b]NEW STUFF:[/b] [list] [*] The stars are right above SHIOKAWA and the terrible KTU-RUFU is awakening once more, its boundless reveries sow turmoil and insanity. [*] Learn the dark secret behind MIMI’S LITTLE PROJECT, a new CHALLENGE [*] Unlock new items, allies and spells locked behind eight new achievements [*] ILLEGAL DEN has expanded its operation, allowing the desperate enough characters to hire new followers. But can you trust them with your life and the future of SHIOKAWA? [*] POLICE STATION is now actively fighting the illegal den and corruption, allowing th e characters to request police patrols that decrease the THREAT level of patrolled locations. [*] ROOFTOP GIRL has started whispering to herself [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33542786/78ec814a41a8524aa518d7f066775763b661b577.png[/img] [b]MODDING (GENERAL):[/b] [list] [*] the game supports up to 28 custom characters now [*] fixed the custom mystery's name displaying twice on the mystery board screen [*] custom enemies are no longer dropping their rewards if the player escaped from them [*] custom mysteries now load in a randomized order [*] Extra mystery features: restricted location, custom UI, mystery-linked status cards and variable length/ending triggers [*] Various issues with the linked events fixed [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33542786/660939e4e40eb9ba7d340f81cc7380e9c55a18cc.png[/img] [b]IMPORTANT CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] added new items: RUSTY SICKLE, HANDCUFFS, SWITCHBLADE, STRAIGHT RAZOR, BOX CUTTER, FLARE GUN, FUNNY MASK, TAINTED VIOLIN [*] added new allies: RYUICHI, REIKO, and HIROYUKI MIZUTANI [*] added new spells: AWAKEN, BINDING AGONY, GHOSTLY SPEAR, MEND, HOLY GLYPHS [*] Added new curses: FLASHBACKS, HALLUCINATIONS [*] ILLEGAL DEN now allows you to hire allies while increasing DOOM [*] HEIRESS character and all backstories are now available in quickplay [*] ANATOMY CLASS doesn't crash the game with the VANITY MIRROR interaction [*] HEIRESS character received a small visual rework and found a new expensive jacket in her closet [*] POLICE STATION: police patrols now lower location's Threat Level [*] rare cases of the game crashing fixed [*] COMA mystery boss death glitch removed, maybe [*] VIGIL mystery’s phantom mansion glitch removed [*] thrown items can now target both enemies [*] PICKPOCKET: works as intended [*] DOOMED ALREADY: doesn’t trigger the LOOTING effect anymore [*] SHADOW SHROUD effect correctly disappears at the end of the mystery [*] KNPHA RITUAL: doesn’t apply the ANCESTRAL STRENGTH buff anymore [*] FLOODS mystery: clicking through screens disabled [*] Removed BADLY BLEEDING attack effect from the enemies that shouldn’t have it [*] YGOTHAEG’s ending screen unlocks as intended now [*] Throwing ITEMS can now target both enemies [*] MIMI’S LITTLE PROJECT doesn’t count lighthouse as a new mystery anymore [*] STORAGE space increased to reflect the UI [*] WORDLESS WARD: resting skip glitch fixed [*] Cigarettes don’t carry over through playthroughs (it would be nice, though) [*] ILLEGAL DEN: clicking through other cards removed [*] [ENM086]: characters can run from this encounter, as intended [*] COMMONER backstory works as intended [*] [ENM079]: characters can run from this encounter, as intended [*] Phantom box cutter crash fixed [*] Ending Screen death loop fixed [*] Jumpscare sounds now use the setting volume, rather than their own [*] [EVT006]: Option 3 is clickable again [*] KIRIE’s display fixed [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33542786/30e3685cb5220175921fb8f327b7abaea5ed867f.png[/img] [b]OTHER CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] [EVT006] correctly applies the STAMINA penalty now [*] [EVT009]: reworded the event to make sense with other light sources, removed the experience reward [*] [EVT016]: third option reward removed [*] [EVT018]: removed the extra reward not stated in the text [*] [EVT030]: removed the extra reward not stated in the text [*] [EVT031]: options are now correctly affected by the Threat Level; the displayed event number changed [*] [EVT041]: the displayed event location icon fixed [*] [EVT048]: options are now correctly affected by the Threat Level; extra reward removed [*] [EVT069]: removed the extra penalty not stated in the text [*] [EVT085]: the displayed event location icon fixed [*] [EVT090]: removed the extra reward not stated in the text [*] [EVT100]: the second option correctly lowers the location's Threat Level [*] [EVT161]: text for success/failure displays correctly now [*] [EVT164]: the first option uses the correct stat check [*] [EVT165]: the first option uses the correct stat check [*] [EVT175]: reward fixed [*] [EVT177]: correctly applies the penalty now [*] [EVT132]: STARS ARE RIGHT upgrade works properly now [*] grammar and spelling fixes [*] NECRONOMICON spells no longer work on STE [*] new allies appear in the FESTIVAL mystery now [*] OLD COIN can't get rid of the ON THE RUN status anymore [*] ONYX MEDALLION works correctly during VIGIL and FESTIVAL mysteries [*] EELS mystery: text display fixed [*] HUNTER'S DAUGHTER, EX-CULTIST, and HEIRESS got new outfits [*] TAIYAKI's description displays currently in the shop now [*] Schoolyard tips display fixed [*] STE effect display fixed [*] EIMI’s ghost following players fixed [*] [ITM009]: Floating pixel removed [*] FEARFUL description fixed [*] Achievement typo(s) fixed [*] YASHIRO: added a new mask that fits his face [*] YASHIRO: the sweater name displays correctly now [*] [ENM073]: Proper intro text selected [*] Changelog update and an overlay fix [*] [ENM095]: typo fixed [*] NURSE can treat the BLOATED status now [/list] [b]BALANCE:[/b] [list] [*] Ayaka's ELDRITCH POSSESSION effect reduced (x/2 -> x/2.4) [*] Ayaka's BLOOD MANIA effect reduced (0.04 -> 0.02 and floor/4 -> floor-0.5/4) [*] Toshiaki's BOOK STRAP effect reduced (0.1 -> 0.07) [*] Kirie's KIRIE'S BAG increases DOOM when forgetting spells (0 -> 1) [*] Juri’s CHECK BOOK increased FUNDS, decreased DOOM (5 and 3%) [*] DODGE action is slightly faster (160 -> 155) [*] BRACE action is slightly slower (160 -> 165) [*] CARPENTER HAMMER: base chance to hit increased (40 -> 50) [*] HEAVY-DUTY FLASHLIGHT: base chance to hit decreased (75 -> 70) [*] [EVT074]: DOOM penalty for taking new allies lowered (10 -> 7) [*] TREE: added a small DOOM penalty that increases with use [*] MONUMENT: changed the math calculating the price to make HoD slightly harder [*] ILLEGAL DEN: lowered the DOOM cost of entering to balance the higher prices [*] POLICE STATION: experience cost for selling information lowered (15 -> 11) [*] MIND DRAIN: damage increased (4 -> 5) [*] REGENERATION: heal effect increased (3 -> 4) [*] SKIN REMOVAL: damage increased (5 - 6) [*] ABSORB: damage increased (2 -> 3) [*] ITHOTU FLAME: damage increased, doom penalty decreased (7 -> 8 / 3 -> 2) [*] ENTHRALLMENT cost decreased (5->4) [*] Increased the EXP reward for banishing a GHOST (5 -> 20) [/list] [b]KNOWN ISSUES:[/b] [list] [*] You technically can save/exit before starting a first mystery. It doesn’t seem to break/affect anything at the moment so it’s staying it for the time being. [*] Throwing an item while you have an item with the same name equipped could reduce your inventory slots. [*] The less active custom mysteries you have the higher chance of a crash (2 mysteries in a folder = around 15%, 3 mysteries = around 5%, more mysteries = around 1-0.01% each playthrough). I’ll have to sit down and test some new solutions for it but with 2 example mysteries provided with the game it should be fine, even if you only download one new custom mystery. [*] Thanks for reading! [/list]