0.9.92e ‘DREADFUL DREAMS’ small content / bug fixing update

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33542786/dacfae5945d69b1f7dc35e62503c493e95ed7d66.png[/img] [b]NEW STUFF:[/b] [list] [*] MIMI’S LITTLE PROJECT: new project added [/list] [b]MODDING CHANGES AND FIXES:[/b] [list] [*] Stat-changing effects of mystery-linked cards work as intended [*] Custom enemies no longer drop items after being run from [*] Custom enemies can now have “spell” and “status” rewards [*] Custom music shouldn’t be overlapping during combat anymore [/list] [b]IMPORTANT CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] KTU-RUFU can now appear in the quick-play option [*] MIMI’S LITTLE PROJECT: scalpel cheese glitch removed [*] ILLEGAL DEN: added an ally limit to prevent crashes [*] Offering money during a GHOST encounter now takes the ‘KARUKOSA’ MASK effect during speed calculation [*] Custom mysteries randomization reworked: this should fix all weird interactions and possible crashes [*] MIMI’S LITTLE PROJECT: kneecap option fixed [*] Randomized characters get their own perks card as intended [/list] [b]OTHER CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] NURSE can treat the BLOATED status now [*] KIRIE’s display fixed [*] [ENM095]: typo fixed [*] [BUT DAD!!] challenge rating changed to match the UI [*] REIKO displaying HIROYUKI’s ending message fixed [*] RYUICHI: description typo fixed [*] Text wrap correctly when gossiping with STUDENTS [*] Q-ing the game restricted [*] RYUICHI’s ghost will no longer follow characters around [*] Game over screen’s portrait layering fixed [*] ‘Undefined’ GOD text displays correctly again [*] MONUMENT prices updated to reflect the UI [*] [EVT132]: rewards fixed [*] OLD GOD intro screen: consistent curtain effect displays as intended [*] The endings/stats screen music follows the global music volume [*] [EVT153/154/157]: Option 2 text display fixed [*] [EVT065]: MAP requirement fixed [*]AIKO’S FRIEND works as intended [/list] [b]BALANCE CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] SHIRO THE GARDENER’s experience reward lowered (25 -> 1) [*] HUNTING RIFLE: damage increased (16->32) [/list]