0.9.9c ‘BLOOD MOON’ new modding features

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33542786/d26c18e3affc3154208a2690fcee9749986918c0.png[/img] [b]MODDING CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] following changes and features are optional so they won't break old events and enemies [b]ENEMIES[/b] [*] new key under the "[enemy]" section: "weakness", which takes these values: "none" (default), "blunt", "sharp", "fire", "magic", "what". [*] Adding this key will determine enemy's weakness to a certain type of weapon used. [b]EVENTS[/b] [*] new key under the "[event]" section: "character", which takes these values: "" (default), "kirie", "aiko", "haru", "mizuki", "kouji", "mimi", "rioter", [*] "moriko", "yashiro", "ayaka", "toshiaki", "juri". [*] Adding this key will filter this event to be added to the deck only if said certain character is selected. [b]CHARACTERS[/b] [*] new keys under the "[status]" section: "low_stamina", "low_reason", "ritual_mask", "karukosa_mask", "crestfallen_mask", "broken_nose", "insmasu_look", [*] "slit_mouth", "hunger", "cursed_signs", which take these values: "" (default) or PATH_TO_SPRITE [*] Adding these keys will update character's look when certain condidtions are fulfilled [*] example character PUPPET-CHAN has been updated to showcase the new keys [/list] [b]IMPORTANT CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] VANITY MIRROR-related crashes are gone [*] custom enemy's weakness-related crashes are gone [*] rare instances of the game crashing when checking out custom mysteries are (hopefully) gone [/list] [b]SAVING/LOADING CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] taking a break screen displays correctly now [*] "continue" button displays correct character information after saving a playthrough [*] loading right after saving fixed [*] town status effects properly save and load now [*] character perks properly save and load now [/list] [b]MAJOR FIXES:[/b] [list] [*] ATTACK DOG's effect is active again [*] JURI's perks work as intended now [*] clicking through items during combat removed [*] "assess" combat action properly displays its description every combat [*] allies properly display text when talked to [*] EVT059: fixed rare instances where incorrect amount of STAMINA would be taken [*] LUCKY EARRINGS and AIKO'S PLUSH TOY: LUCK penalty doesn't stack anymore [*] SPINE-CHILLING STORY OF SCHOOL SCISSORS option actually starts the mystery it says [*] AYAKA's DOOM EFFIGY: work as intended now [*] EVT156: corrected the choice outcome text [/list] [b]MINOR FIXES:[/b] [list] [*] 3:1 full screen cursor size corrected [*] 'disable extra effects' option affects the tentacle curtain now [*] enemy bestiary updated to 0.9.9c [*] removed off-color pixel artifacts from three graphics [*] some grammar issues fixed [*] various typos fixed [*] out-of-bound text under options corrected [*] ending screen description shouldn't be unreadable anymore in some cases [*] FLOOD mystery: white flashes are gone (for now) [*] SCISSORS mystery: ending A's loud volume fixed [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33542786/7a1226a7a0844856f65bba3676e97d7f995f472f.png[/img] Thanks for reading!