[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33542786/51a4e291f7b4e6c1e7b4c92b8532386b96a54e48.png[/img] Major features for this patch include:[list] [*]This content update focuses on the unfortunate people of SHIOKAWA and the city's dark secrets. [*]The newly reworked CITY PLANNING feature will allow players to customize their game and select new additional actions. [*]Two new characters: a truly cursed WITCH and the EX-CULTIST on the run join the character roster, bringing it to eleven playable heroes, each with unique perks and abilities. [*]This upgrade introduces character-exclusive events exploring their backstories and their role in the story. This is the biggest batch of new events since the initial release. [*]Additionally, two new mysteries will have the unsuspecting characters take care of a weird friend with a dark secret and explore the seemingly abandoned mansion full of grotesque paintings. [*]A new game mode CHALLENGES will test the skills of experienced players, placing them in the pre-selected playthroughs, each having unique gameplay mechanics, forcing them to change their strategies. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33542786/bdc14d79b20ddd556786c142d6d6d45e0ed77420.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33542786/0e77671445025bec41a75d069cf64829fbc50011.png[/img] If you find any issues, bugs, or typos in the game, as always please report them to our [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16OB5oSYFK6Z9IdGQ6BvRNq7R4eqsLCjsPSm5WPLF5Wk/edit?usp=sharing]official bug tracking sheet[/url]. Due to the game-breaking issues caught on Mac at the last second, the macOS version will be published as soon as things are resolved. Thanks for reading!