Major features for this patch include:[list]
[*]This content update focuses on the unfortunate people of SHIOKAWA and the city's dark secrets.
[*]The newly reworked CITY PLANNING feature will allow players to customize their game and select new additional actions.
[*]Two new characters: a truly cursed WITCH and the EX-CULTIST on the run join the character roster, bringing it to eleven playable heroes, each with unique perks and abilities.
[*]This upgrade introduces character-exclusive events exploring their backstories and their role in the story. This is the biggest batch of new events since the initial release.
[*]Additionally, two new mysteries will have the unsuspecting characters take care of a weird friend with a dark secret and explore the seemingly abandoned mansion full of grotesque paintings.
[*]A new game mode CHALLENGES will test the skills of experienced players, placing them in the pre-selected playthroughs, each having unique gameplay mechanics, forcing them to change their strategies.
If you find any issues, bugs, or typos in the game, as always please report them to our [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16OB5oSYFK6Z9IdGQ6BvRNq7R4eqsLCjsPSm5WPLF5Wk/edit?usp=sharing]official bug tracking sheet[/url].
Due to the game-breaking issues caught on Mac at the last second, the macOS version will be published as soon as things are resolved.
Thanks for reading!