0.9.92f ‘DREADFUL DREAMS’ small balance / bug fixing update

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33542786/4daf7ebf44c5a22bac54efa0f4e9c244f9607344.png[/img] [b]IMPORTANT CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] Dog shop: yakuza card slot and discount slot no longer share a space [*] New combat action: [b]ORDER YOUR ALLIES TO ATTACK[/b] [*] MIMI’S LITTLE PROJECT doesn’t reset each time you leave the house [*] PAINTING mystery: Spending too much time will trigger a proper ending, not a crash [*] Keeping an empty mystery folder doesn’t impact the game anymore [*] Even the power of friendship can’t defeat something truly evil… [*] Getting too paranoid won’t end the game [/list] [b]MODDING CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] Triggering enemies should work properly from all event options [/list] [b]OTHER CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] Festival mystery: onsen log text fixed [*] BROKEN BONE can randomly appear in the game as a result of certain actions again as intended [*] LUCKY EARRINGS: +LUCK effects is now correct [*] SCISSORS mystery: locker’s opening sound volume corrected [*] [EVT096/171]: event penalties corrected [*] [EVT132]: formatting fixed [*] GOBLET gets priority over a BOTTLE when filling with various liquids [*] Saving/loading disabled during challenges [*] ITHOTU FLAME: casting the spell correctly triggers the HUMAN SKULL [*] RIOTER screen typo fixed [*] BULLETIN: clicking stuff through other cards fixed [/list] [b]GENERAL BALANCE CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] ARMY KNIFE: base damage increased (4->5) [*] POLICE STATION: entering the station now costs doom (0->1) [*] HEAVY-DUTY FLASHLIGHT: price increased (2->3) [*] WITCH’S TREE: uses on HoD difficulty decreased (3->2) [*] PARANOIA: curse effect stacks (25% chance for damage -> 100% for 1 damage -> 100% for 2 damage) [*] SUICIDAL: curse effect stacks (25% chance for damage -> 100% for 1 damage -> 100% for 2 damage) [*] HEADLESS STUDENT: experience increased (10->25) [*] CHAINSAW: main stat changed (str->per) [*] DIY FLAMETHROWER: main stat changed (str->dex) [*] DODGE combat action: base speed increased (155->140), a chance to trigger increased by 10% [/list] [b]KOUJI BALANCE CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] CAMERA: using the CAMERA FLASH allows characters to avoid damage, in the same way the DODGE action would work [*] FAST HANDS: an additional effect: LOOK FOR AN IMPROVISED WEAPON combat action brings two items instead of one, with the second one using a better item pool [/list]