
The Classrooms

The Classrooms is a procedural, liminal-space, found-footage, survival horror game. Explore The Classrooms and discover the various anomalies it contains; from malicious entities, to harmless oddities. And remember, it's different every time you play, so your found footage is uniquely yours.

[h1]0.5.6[/h1] [h2]Fire Alarms[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42721145/2ac856a8b326845d5858dff905484699634b7012.gif[/img] [list] [*]Fire Alarms Switches added to The Classrooms and The Library Rooms [*]Fire Alarms temporarily distract hearing enemies [*]Each switch is single-use [/list] [h2]AI Improvements[/h2] [list] [*]Entities no longer unrealistically despawn and respawn at long distances (Except in Poolrooms which is a bug that will be fixed in the next update), with the exception of Cursed Doll, Cloaked Figure, and Smiley which do so as part of their abilities. [/list] [h2]Audio Improvements[/h2] [list] [*]Looping sounds now mute when paused [*]Fixed underwater audio not working properly [*]Many looping sounds now stop when paused and continue on unpause [/list] [h2]Improved Art and Decoration[/h2] Replaced a lot of low-quality art. [h2]Improved Controller support[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed Controller Hotkey UI in settings [*]Improved dropdown controller usability by auto-scrolling to the selected item [*]Fixed unable to use various settings with Controller [*]Fixed unable to toggle Custom Mode with Controller [*]Fixed horizontal selectors in settings broken in-game using Controller [*]Fixed controller Inventory navigation skips over slots 7-9 from below [/list] [h3]Other Improvements and Fixes[/h3] [list] [*]Level Title, Sink, Toilets now pause their audio with game pause [*]Paper sound no longer plays on spawn. [*]Added light to Snake kill animation to fix zero-light conditions [*]Localized generation failed prompt [*]Optimized a few expensive tiles to reduce lag in Poolrooms [*]Fixed a few missing localizations [*]Fixed entities not spawning in Tape 1 if you get the Elevator key first [/list]