Embark on a thrilling space adventure with 2D hand-drawn animation, packed with dark humour, quirky characters, and daring exploration across the cosmos!
Fight Space Pirates, take down the Space Gopher Empire, survive cosmic horrors that would drive ordinary mortals completely bonkers. (Not you though, right? You can handle it...)
Unlock amazing powers to smash all the galactic nasties. Reflect projectiles back into their ugly faces.
Dodge roll to avoid attacks and close the distance, unleash the cosmic hurt with your Plasma sword. Kick *** and look cool doing it.
Delve into an ancient ruin full of dimwitted alien cultists, explore the inside of a giant alien infested by a heart-humping parasite, traverse an orbital junkyard and a freaky orbital space castle full of mechanical monstrosities.
Explore the depths of space, marvel at its beauty, the wonder of discovery.... and then probably get disintegrated or eaten by a 10-headed space demon. You were warned... Space is dangerous!
Fire up your ion cannons and blast the space pirates to bits in exciting space combat!
Unlock new skills. Upgrade your ships' engines and weapons. Equip 'badges' to suit your playstyle.