Raygun Gadabout ALPHA Devlog #22

Raygun Gadabout

Embark on a thrilling space adventure with 2D hand-drawn animation, packed with dark humour, quirky characters, and daring exploration across the cosmos!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32462473/d39f15b2a3f59df40a5103cee62d41d7b0be35b8.gif[/img] Hey there space cadets! [h1]This Month's Updates [/h1] Check out the latest blog post detailing some of the [b]progress in Raygun Gadabout since last month. [/b] We have [b]new planets and some updated mechanics[/b], and check out some weirdo alien NPCs. [url=https://raygungadabout.wordpress.com/2019/07/01/devlog-22/]LINK![/url] [h1]Join the Official Discord [/h1]As always feel free to come by and say hello on the [b][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/raygungadabout]Raygun Gadabout Discord[/url][/b]. Have a nice day!