Embark on a thrilling space adventure with 2D hand-drawn animation, packed with dark humour, quirky characters, and daring exploration across the cosmos!
Hey there Raygunners,
It’s Marcel here for our monthly production update. Let’s get right to it.
[h2]Animation Updates
Been updating Quinn’s dodge roll animation, there’s now double the frames for double the rolling action!
What do you think of the hair animation? It was pretty fun to do!
[h2]Ledge Grab/Climb
Created a new ledge grab mechanic to save you from some deadly falls. At the moment it is unlocked with the wall jump. I’m considering whether it might be nice to have as a starting skill. Any thoughts? Share in the comments section below!
[h1]Dynamo 3 & Playtesting
Took part in Dynamo 3. Devs take turns presenting their game for 5 minutes. There were around 40+ people at the show and devs representing many different countries. After words there we set up the our games for some playtesting. Got some great feedback and had a lot of fun. Can’t wait to go to the next one!
Some Raygun Gadabout gameplay
The game rocks on the Steam Deck, solid 90FPS. Yummy!
[h2]Steam Cloud
Added Steam Cloud integration to the game. Now you can switch between devices and continue your adventure across the cosmos anywhere!
[h2]Other Stuff
The usual level design, gameplay and bug fixes. Plus some new art and animation. Check out this eyeball wall. Cool eh?
Creepy Eyeball Wall… ew.
[h2]That’s all for Now. Or is it?[/h2]
Stay tuned for some big news in the next couple of weeks!