Embark on a thrilling space adventure with 2D hand-drawn animation, packed with dark humour, quirky characters, and daring exploration across the cosmos!
Hey there space cadets,
[h1]What's New?
Here's a new devlog for you. Meet [b]Melish and Senf[/b], villainous and scummy space pirates.
You'll have to be quick on your feet to survive a close quarters fight with these guys. Watch out for Melish's explosive eggs. Senpf can attack you with his powerful laser gun and then take the fight up close as he charges you.
[url=https://raygungadabout.wordpress.com/2019/04/21/devlog-20-beware-the-space-pirates/]Check out the FULL blog post for even more juicy behind the scenes details[/url]
[h1]Join the Discord[/h1]
And a reminder to come check out all the exciting updates and be part of an upcoming ALPHA TEST on the [url=https://discord.gg/Kz69dnj]Raygun Gadabout Discord!![/url]