Embark on a thrilling space adventure with 2D hand-drawn animation, packed with dark humour, quirky characters, and daring exploration across the cosmos!
This is a demo of Raygun Gadabout, you can try out the first mission in the game and explore some of the opening areas.
The demo lasts around 30ish minutes. The full game is closer to 10 hours. It spans multiple planets that can be discovered by travelling aboard your ship.
The main game has tons of enemies (over 30 of them!) and many more nasty bosses to test out your skills.
Embark on an adventure filled with hidden secrets waiting to be uncovered. Encounter quirky alien friends and formidable foes, and enjoy delightful surprises along your journey.
Upgrade your ship and find new abilities that you can use to become more powerful. Become the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy. You are the last Raygunner.