Hello, everyone! I've noticed that I've been getting a bit of interest from around the globe, and not just places that are home to primary English speakers. So, fully realizing that localization is often a paid endeavor, I'm first putting out a request to see if anyone's interested in volunteering to do it. The project's pretty light on words; around 2000 total. I'll offer a free game key and in-game credit to anyone who does an acceptable job with it.
[url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Eju6RG7SiiXZtn_Hcj0COCINWqCiK5Hj/view?usp=drive_link]localization file[/url]
Contact me at & submit files to jasongieskedesign {at} gmail {dot} com.
v. Changelog:
-Localization code now properly handles variable variable/string order.
-Menu buttons are updated and are now separated from their text, so they can be localized.