Note: This update breaks save file compatibility.
Hi, playtesters! It's been a while since I released a playtest build, but I've just rebuilt my save system and would like a few more eyes on it while I continue working on the rest of the content of the next game update (primarily, adding statistics screens at match end).
Specific potential problem areas to look for in loaded games are game crashes, fighters not being assigned to squadrons, units having incorrect targets, cargo barges having incorrect destinations or failing to operate, matches not ending properly or not registering the defeat of certain players.
If you wish to be a playtesting champion and stress test as much as possible, save matches that are far along and have a wide variety of units present, and load from in game, from the menu after exiting a match, from the menu after quitting and restarting the game, and from in game after quitting and restarting and starting a new match with changed teams and player positions, and also resave previously saved games and do all of the above again with the new save.
ps. If you want in-game credit as a play tester, just let me know.
pps. If you happen to be fluent in French, feedback on the WIP French localisation would be appreciated! Language can be changed in the settings menu.
Changelog (from v.
-Lengthened and made changes to the background music track "Machines Among Asteroids".
-Added all data structures and data handling for match statistics. Actually displaying them isn't done yet.
-Fixed duplicate Steam screenshots being taken when pressing F12.
-Refactored save system and fixed issues with incorrect sprites being displayed when loading files saved in previous versions.
-Selected mechbots that are assigned to a construction project are now properly deselected when 'I' is pressed to select all inactive mechbots.