Yes, Your Grace: Snowfall User Interface update!

Yes, Your Grace

These are troubling times, Your Grace. The petitioners’ petty matters exceed our limited resources, to say nothing of the war. A careful balance must be struck. Your throne awaits.

Ever wondered how the process of making games looks like? Read on for exclusive sneak peaks into what we’ve been up to recently. [h3]Refreshed UI[/h3] The user interface (UI) plays a significant role in the game, acting as a frame to a painting. Now that we have finalized all systems and gameplay elements, it's time to enhance the UI! Unfortunately, we can't share everything just yet. However, we have some exciting updates including new textures, frames, buttons, animations, and icons. Additionally, we have introduced a brand new way to display your inventory and available agents! Take a look at all the details below: [b][i]characters used below are for illustration purposes only[/i][/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35935131/e77623782cf5471bfb3e0a92938c8ba41770028d.png[/img] [i]Inventory and Agent panel[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35935131/7df70b6fb4096022a76a47af0c37cc66359f2c72.png[/img] [i]New frames and icons[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35935131/e3c0b5a08f845528c811cc0ef999eada86ffaf2b.png[/img] [i]New resources levels 👀[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35935131/4e88eb176c9728ee04a5934a6039c5f22cf491f9.png[/img] [i]Each agent will now have its own menu.[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35935131/07f65894d9b7b18c8d9568ad4d480a6abee313b8.png[/img] [i]Marketplace, where you will be able to purchase items.[/i] This new UI is likely to go through some more iterations before the final game release but we hope you like it so far! Stay Brave, Alina [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35935131/1b0011a9f759e571a4d76b011445a59a058fdb3c.gif[/img]