Yes, Your Grace launches on mobiles TODAY!

Yes, Your Grace

These are troubling times, Your Grace. The petitioners’ petty matters exceed our limited resources, to say nothing of the war. A careful balance must be struck. Your throne awaits.

[h1]We are SO excited to announce that Yes, Your Grace will be gracing the Play Store and the App Store from today![/h1] So many people have been asking about bringing Yes, Your Grace to mobiles since it launched, and we're so happy to announce that today your wishes have come true! The first hour of the game is free for you to check out! Find it on your preferred store page now and grab it at an amazing 20% discount! Apple: [url=][/url] Android: [url=][/url] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [h2]~~~~~ Sequel updates ~~~~~[/h2] We have been working hard to implement your Beta feedback and we’re so close 🤏 to being back on track after implementing the most important changes: [h3][b]Brand New Input System[/b][/h3] Whoop whoop! The most requested feature was the ability to change how you control the game and it’s almost done! You will now be able to play the game with keyboard only/mouse only or a combination of both (or a controller!). [h3][b]Audry is back ✨[/b][/h3] Depending on the decisions you made in Yes, Your Grace, you will either be assigned a brand new Advisor, or be reunited with your most trusted family friend. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35935131/b65735e3b4d06e92e02461d9a10c8daaf34bea9c.gif[/img] [h3][b]New story flow 🤫[/b][/h3] We have revisited some character arcs in Chapter 1, shortened the whole chapter to make it more cohesive and improve the flow! There has been some exciting changes but we will leave it for you to discover for yourself [i]soon![/i] [h3][b]Waka waka[/b][/h3] I’m happy to report that 90% of the cast now has a voice 🗣️ We’re still working on polishing them up, but you were right!! The characters feel 100% more alive and emotional now [i](you asked for it, don’t blame us if they make you cry now).[/i] — Aside from aaaaaall of the above, we have brand new animations, redesigned how threat events work in the game, wrote a lot of new dialogues for the remaining chapters and changed how the Yes, Your Grace decisions will be imported into the game (more info on that later) ✨ I think it’s safe to say we’ve had a VERY busy past few months! 🔥🥵🔥