Happy Birthday Yes, Your Grace! We've sent you a gift to celebrate!

Yes, Your Grace

These are troubling times, Your Grace. The petitioners’ petty matters exceed our limited resources, to say nothing of the war. A careful balance must be struck. Your throne awaits.

[h2]HAPPY BIRTHDAY YES, YOUR GRACE! [/h2] We can't believe it's been a WHOLE YEAR since Yes, Your Grace launched, time really DOES FLY! To celebrate, we've put together two gifts for you! If you don't already own the game, Yes, Your Grace is now 40% OFF for the weekend, which is the cheapest it's ever been! There's never been a better time to pick it up! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1115690/Yes_Your_Grace/ [h3]If you already own the game, however, we've made you a little surprise![/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35935131/e79ace53a3b69fe4ded5a7c79902f5fe50a2bc9f.png[/img] You can now catch up with some of your FAVOURITE FAMILY MEMBERS in three full-colour comics! Explore a little window into what they've been up to and catch up with some of our most loved characters! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1565170/Yes_Your_Grace__Anniversary_Comic/ Thank you for an amazing year, it's been incredible! Lots of love, Brave at Night & No More Robots xoxox