Yes, Your Grace is coming to the XBOX ONE and NINTENDO SWITCH on June 26th!

Yes, Your Grace

These are troubling times, Your Grace. The petitioners’ petty matters exceed our limited resources, to say nothing of the war. A careful balance must be struck. Your throne awaits.

[h2]We are SO excited to announce that Yes, Your Grace will be [i]gracing[/i] the Xbox One and Nintendo Switch on June 26th, and you can preorder them TODAY![/h2] So many people have been asking about bringing Yes, Your Grace to consoles since we first announced it, and we're so happy that it's ONLY 14 DAYS AWAY! We've been working hard alongside the wonderful people at Ant Workshop to make sure it's got a great feeling control scheme, so that ruling Davern from the comfort of your sofa is the best experience it can be - we're really proud of the results! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35935131/faa501439f2ee30b92ab0591393141bfb31ff08f.png[/img] From in just two weeks, you'll be able to: [list] [*] Decide who needs your support from the sofa [*] Satisfying the whims of Lords and Kings from your garden [*] Hire Generals, Witches and Hunters on the train [*] Protect your family (if you can) [/list] We couldn't have done this without all of your support, thank you so much to everyone who has bought, reviewed and told a friend about Yes, Your Grace. We'll see you on the 26th, preorders are now LIVE! Lots of love, Brave at Night & No More Robots xoxox