Nominate Yes, Your Grace for Outstanding Story-Rich Game!

Yes, Your Grace

These are troubling times, Your Grace. The petitioners’ petty matters exceed our limited resources, to say nothing of the war. A careful balance must be struck. Your throne awaits.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35935131/5a452f21df9190465528fd5de9180155b76ebfbb.png[/img] Wow, what a year it's been for Yes, Your Grace! Thank you so much for all your support, we are totally blown away by all the support and love you've shown us since launch! We're so glad so many of you have enjoyed Yes, Your Grace - to that end, [b]we'd love it if you considered us for Story Rich Game of the Year![/b] We're so proud of the story we've told in YYG, and have loved seeing your reactions to all the characters - it's been a real highlight to our year! Thank you for all your lovely reviews, streams, videos and re-tellings of your adventures in Davern - we've laughed and cried with you and can't wait to do it all again with you in the future! Cheers & Have a fantastic Autumn Sale! Brave at Night & No More Robots