Year 5 Season 3: Vanguard takes Division Agents back to the streets of New York to investigate the disappearance of Agent Kelso. In addition to the new gear and continuation of the story, players will get their hands on the comprehensive health updates done as the result of Project Resolve.
[*] Season 3: Vanguard Manhunt
[*] Season 3: Vanguard Calendar
[*] Gear, Weapons & Talents
[*] Descent
[*] Apparel Event
[*] Season Pass
After Division Agents resecured stability in the White House, Agent Kelso returned to New York to ensure the Haven settlement was also secure. But while Agents were rescuing the civilians abducted by the Black Tusk, Kelso had gone missing. Meanwhile, The Division now faces the harsh reality that Hunters are among them, raising doubt and suspicion in both the White House and Castle settlements. Agents must now find Kelso, but as they retrace her steps, more truths will be uncovered, reopening some old wounds.
Get ready to gear up and arm yourself with the new weapons and gear in Year 5 Season 3! This features two new Named Weapons, two new Named Gear pieces, a bunch of new Talents, plus a Gear Set and a Brand Set. Exotic-wise, you've got one Exotic gear piece and two Exotic weapons - one of them exclusively available in Descent game mode.
[h2]NEW EXOTIC WEAPON[/h2][table][tr][th][/th][th][/th][/tr][tr][td][b]Mosquito[/b]
Exotic Pistol[/td][td][b]Talent Mosquito Song*[/b]
Hitting an enemy applies a stack. Stacks are shared between players.
At 10 stacks, the enemy will forcefully target the last player to apply a stack for 5s.
Stacks deplete every 5s. Activating the effect on an enemy will remove
all stacks from other enemies.
[b]Weapon Stats and Mods[/b]
Magazine Mod: +15% Reload Speed; Muzzle Mod: +15% Weapon Accuracy.
*[i]Has no functionality in PVP[/i][/td][/tr][/table]
[h2]NEW EXOTIC GEAR[/h2][table][tr][th][/th][th][/th][/tr][tr][td][b]Rugged Gauntlets[/b]
Exotic Gloves[/td][td][b]Talent Iron Grip[/b]
-50% Recoil Penalty when hip-firing; -50% Recoil Penalty when
blind-firing from cover.[/td][/tr][/table]
[h2]NEW GEAR[/h2][table][tr][th][/th][th][/th][/tr][tr][td][b]Aegis[/b]
Gear Set [/td][td][b]2 Pieces[/b] equipped give [b]+70 Health[/b]
[b]3 Pieces[/b] equipped give [b]+15% Total Armor[/b]
[b]4 Pieces[/b] equipped unlock a new unique Talent
[b]Talent Stoic*[/b]
Get +3% Damage Resistance for every enemy that is targeting you.
The bonus is multiplied by 1.X, where X is the number of agents in your group.
[b]Chest and Backpack Bonuses:[/b]
[b]Chest Bonus - Talent Deceit[/b]
Enemies targeting your Decoy also count towards the Stoic Damage Reduction bonus.
[b]Backpack Bonus - Talent Polyethylene Plating[/b]
Increase Stoic Damage Resistance bonus from 3% to 4%.
[i]*Has no functionality in PVP[/i][/td][/tr][tr][td][b]Palisade Steelworks[/b] Brand Set [/td][td][b]1 Piece[/b] equipped gives [b]+10% Armor on Kill.[/b]
[b]2 Pieces[/b] equipped give [b]+60% Health.[/b]
[b]3 Pieces[/b] equipped give [b]+1 Skill Tier.[/b]
[b]Named Chest and Backpack Bonuses:[/b]
[b]Named Chest "Combustor" - Talent "Perfectly Explosive Delivery"[/b].
Whenever you throw a Skill 1.5 seconds after landing, it creates an explosion damaging enemies within 5m. Afterwards, explosions will occur every 5 seconds.
Damage scales with Skill Tier dealing 25-100% damage of a Concussion Grenade.
Applies to Remote Pulse, all Turrets, all Hives, Explosive Seeker, Cluster Seeker, Mender Seeker, Decoy and all Traps.
[b]Named Backpack "Proxy" - Talent "Perfectly Tamper Proof"[/b].
Enemies that walk within 3 meters of your Hive, Turret, Remote Pulse or Decoy are shocked.
Arm time: 2 seconds. Cooldown per Skill: 8 seconds.[/td][/tr][/table]
[h2]NEW NAMED WEAPONS & TALENTS[/h2][table][tr][th][/th][th][/th][/tr][tr][td][b]Brutus[/b] M700 Carbon[/td][td][b]Talent "Perfectly Behind You"*[/b]
Amplifies weapon damage by +20% to enemies that are not targeting you.[/td][/tr][tr][td][b]Whisper[/b] M16A2[/td][td][b]Talent "Perfectly Behind You"[/b]
Amplifies weapon damage by +20% to enemies that are not targeting you.[/td][/tr][tr][td][b]Talent "Behind You"*[/b][/td][td]Amplifies weapon damage by +15% to enemies that are not targeting you.
[i]*Has no functionality in PVP[/i][/td][/tr][/table]
[i]*Current in-game description is incorrect and will be changed with TU20.1[/i]
[i]Read more[/i] [url=][i]here[/i][/url].
[h1]DESCENT[/h1][list][*]Vindicator Exotic Rifle is available in the NSA store.[/*][/list][table][tr][th][/th][th][/th][/tr][tr][td][b]Vindicator[/b]
Exotic Rifle[/td][td][b]Talent "Ortiz Assault Interface"[/b]
While scoped, the weapon will highlight a random body section of each enemy.
The weapon deals [b]+40% Weapon Damage[/b] to highlighted body sections.
[b]Weapon Stats and Mods[/b]
[b]Magazine Mod:[/b] +5 Magazine Size
[b]Muzzle Mod:[/b] +10% Optimal Range
[b]Underbarrel Mod:[/b] +15% Weapon Stability
[b]Optics Rail:[/b] +15% Weapon Accuracy[/td][/tr][/table]
When the event is active, you can earn Apparel Cache keys in game by levelling up your watch levels and unlocking the different items through caches. Apparel Event keys for the Apparel Caches can be earned from the following sources: 1 free key granted to all players, SHD Levelling - one key every four SHD levels, direct purchase with Premium Credits, and, if you are a Year 5 Season 2 Premium Pass owner, you’ll be granted 3 extra keys.
Veiled Tactics Apparel Event offers a collection of four new outfits for you to acquire, with an additional fifth outfit as a completion reward. The event revolves around the theme of Camouflage, catering to those Agents who appreciate the art of concealing oneself.
[h2]LAST RESORT[/h2]
Last Resort Apparel Event returns from Year 2 Season 3: Concealed Agenda, offering Agents another opportunity to gather gear and outfits based on the enemy factions of NYC.
[h1]SEASON PASS[/h1]
The optional Season Pass is available for 1000 Premium Credits ($9.99 or your regional equivalent) in the in-game store, granting additional access to a Menpo outfit and a mask. Year 5 Season 3: Vanguard is available to all The Division® 2 Warlords of New York owners and Ubisoft+ subscribers.
In addition, players with the Season Pass can gain access to the following premium track rewards:
[*] 9 weapon skins
[*] 10 gear dyes
[*] 2 new emotes
[*] 2 vanity outfits
[*] 1 face mask
In addition, new unique cosmetic bundles will be regularly added to the store. This time players will get the looks of Keener's squad of rogue agents from Warlords or New York. Each one will be made available as a unique outfit: Dragov, Conley, Kajika, Parnell, and rogue number one - Aaron Keener himself.
You can also track some of the top-level investigations being conducted by the team over on our [url=]Known Issues Board. [/url]
Read a full article that contains additional information about Project Resolve [url=]here[/url].
Good luck out there!