Title Update 19.4

[h1]TU19.4 PATCH NOTES  [/h1]  [b][h3]WINTER PROJECT  [/h3][/b] [list] [*] Disabled Winter Projects. [*] Fixed the issue with the wrong optimization materials being received instead of “Backpack Weave” when deconstructing Festive Delivery backpack. [/list] [b][h3]MANHUNT [/h3][/b] [list] [*] Fixed the issue with The Recruiter mask backpack trophy not being received after completing the climax mission for the first time. [*] The issue of not receiving extra XP when increasing the difficulty for the Mari Singh mission has been resolved. [*] Fixed the issue with the takeover bounty area for Cindy McAllister being inaccessible to the player if the entrance door to the main mission was opened before starting the bounty. [*] Fixed the issue that prevented Birdie from spawning at the Castle after completing the climax mission. [/list] [b][h3]OTHER [/h3][/b] [list] [*] Fixed the issue with Kelso getting stuck inside the wall in Haven. [*] Added various stability improvements. [/list]