[h1]TU19.1 PATCH NOTES[/h1]
[*] Fixed the issue with the weekly chest not resetting on Tuesdays.
[*] If you have multiple keys in your inventory, you can open the weekly chest until there are no more keys in your inventory.
[*] Players will be able to earn 1 key per week, and the chest will reset on Tuesdays.
[*] Fixed the issue where a Mission Objective can remain stuck on “Secure the Area” after eliminating all enemies and the last boss.
[*] The amount of damage that can be done to Bosses is now capped to prevent Moss, Wright, Martinez and Johnson from being killed with a single shot.
[*] Fixed the issue where the open world difficulty affected the scaling of some enemy NPC skills.
[*] Fixed the issue with the Directives remaining active and affecting gameplay.
[*] Fixed the issue that caused the final chest and Bosses drop Raid exclusive items.
[*] Leaderboards reset due to data tracking inconsistency and changes made to Bosses HP.
[h3]GEAR & WEAPONS[/h3]
[*] Updated the description of the Collector Exotic Chest Piece Talent Hoarder:
[*] Automatically regenerate a grenade every 30s, if you have less than 2 grenades in your inventory.