World Events Hotfix

Beasts of Bermuda

Beasts of Bermuda is a multiplayer game hosting large servers in which the player grows up as a dinosaur or other prehistoric creature. The player becomes part of a living, player-created ecosystem. The ultimate objective is to survive on one of the islands within Bermuda.

+World Events: Dying in an auto res world event no longer grants a growth badge or places you on the leaderboard +World Events: Carcasses spawned by players dying inside world events now despawn instantly when the event is over +World Events: Carcasses taken outside the event area that dropped in the event area now instantly rot +World Events: While outside of world event areas, Death's Blessing now refreshes while you are in combat or while grabbed +World Events: Velo no longer loses the world event buffs while climbing +QoL: Eggs can no longer be damaged during duels +Added new toggle into settings, in controls called "Enable Ability Key Climbing" -While enabled it uses the ability key instead of use key to climb +Fixed: Pleding to deity shrines outside a world event area no longer grants favor buffs when you're not inside the event area that can last indefinitely +Fixed: Situation where velo would fall through the terrain while climbing +Fixed: Velo now uses proper midair animation when it bounces from climbable surface to another or when climbing fails before re-latching [hr][/hr] [h3]Additional Patchnote Languages:[/h3] [url=]Afrikaans[/url]