Titania QOL Hotfix

Beasts of Bermuda

Beasts of Bermuda is a multiplayer game hosting large servers in which the player grows up as a dinosaur or other prehistoric creature. The player becomes part of a living, player-created ecosystem. The ultimate objective is to survive on one of the islands within Bermuda.

[h3]Isla Titania[/h3] +Fixed up several areas with steep or jagged terrain. If more of these areas are found, they need to be reported so we can continue fixing them. [url=https://discord.gg/beastsofbermuda]Please join our official discord to learn more.[/url] +Upped the value of all plant food on Isla Titania +Added groves of fruit trees to several areas on Isla Titania +Added additional static burrow cluster to the Outlands biome +Updated the Spiral Island music track +Several misc bug fixes or other issues reported on Isla Titania [h3]Mechanics[/h3] +Mechanics (public): Save files can now be migrated to Isla Titania +Mechanics (public): The scaling on how much food plants give for larger growth herbivores has been adjusted such that it doesn't drop in value nearly as quickly as you get bigger +Mechanics (public): The Winter Snowflake para snow overlay can now be applied to any para skin [h3]Velociraptor[/h3] +The Velociraptor will now continuously search for climbable objecst to latch onto if you're holdin the use key, rather than only the instant you press the use key +Fixed an issue where the velociraptor would be unable to climb after falling off while it was previously climbing [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] +Fixed: Velo now uses proper falling animation when it falls from a ledge after running instead of running in the air +Fixed: Swapping maps no longer causes saved creatures to log in at their old save location on the other map [hr][/hr] [h3]Additional Patchnote Languages:[/h3] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/741512364503072779/1063595651427999846/Titania_QOL_Hotfix_Afr.txt]Afrikaans[/url]