Witch It Speed Build Contest #4!

Witch It

Witch It is a multiplayer hide & seek game set in a vibrant, magical world. Brave hunters seek hidden witches that curse their villages!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27179238/ab3f50a267946bea85980d5d9ccdf0b969fe9dbb.png[/img] We're excited to announce our next community-ran event: [b]Witch It's 4th Speed Build contest[/b]! 🎉 Participants have just [b]6 hours[/b] to build a playable map based on a theme revealed at the start of the contest. At the end of the 6 hours, all submissions to the contest will be [b]voted on by the community[/b]! Due to the overwhelming support and effort towards these community contests, we're proud to announce that we are releasing an [b]all-new "Speed Build Contest" hat[/b] later this 2024! All previous, current and future Speed Build contest winners will receive the new hat in the near future... stay tuned! ⚡ [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27179238/8b4e79ec6c475b871c1f9897db6e7735a578fda6.gif[/img] In addition, the top three voted map creators will receive 10 Euro Steam gift cards, and all participants will earn some ingredients as a bonus reward! 🎁 The contest will begin on [b]Saturday, January 20, 2024 2:00 PM (GMT)[/b], and both new players and experienced map creators are welcome - this event is just for fun, suitable for players of [i]all skill levels[/i]! For more details and rules, please read the most recent announcement in the [url=https://www.discord.gg/witchit]#community-events channel over on discord.gg/witchit![/url] If you have any further questions, please send them in #speed-contest-chat! 💬