Wild Indigo Ranch - Update 1.0.122p Patch Notes

Wild Indigo Ranch

Wild Indigo Ranch is a cozy cowboy-life RPG for 1-4 players. Start a new life on the prairie, explore the frontier, build the finest ranch in the West, and ride into the sunset.

[h2]Howdy cowpokes,[/h2] We have a new update ready for you - [b]1.0.122p[/b] In this update, we've added a little bit of new content for you to enjoy. We've also gone through your feedback since the 1.0 launch and made adjustments to gameplay and balancing based on it. Lastly, we've worked on more bug fixes that have been reported. Check out all the changes and fixes in the list below. Thank you again for all the feedback and support while we continue to work on improving the game. [h2]New Content[/h2] [list] [*] Added a hot tub, so you can take a nice warm bath with your friends [*] Added Sunflowers as a new type of crop [*] Added black, white, and yellow paint colors [*] Annabelle will now sell you a hobby horse, which slightly increases your movement speed [/list] [h2]Gameplay[/h2] [list] [*] Annabelle now sells a Wooden Trash Can recipe. When built, you can use it to throw away any unwanted craftable items you have lying around. [b]NOTE: you can only delete craftable items[/b] [*] The ghost cows will no longer wander as far, and will not turn aggressive when being lassoed [*] Some animals now have a chance to drop bones, which can be used to make white paint [*] Tallulah now sells sunflower seeds, which when grown can be used to make yellow paint [*] You can now see nearby master crafters whom you haven't met on the minimap [*] You can now see every master crafter you've met on the world map [*] Changed the master crafter icon on the minimap when tracking a ledger task from a hammer to the face of the master crafter [*] You can now see dialogue options being considered by other players in multiplayer games [*] You can now craft stick food at the fireplace [*] Ledger tasks are now categorized into one of three types: Building tasks, dismantling tasks, and adventure tasks. Each type comes with its own visual theme to make it easier to distinguish [*] All maps, deeds, and notes should go into your Journal now when read [/list] [h2]Game Balance/adjustments[/h2] [list] [*] You can now change how many items you are buying/selling between x1/x5/x10 [*] You can now plant all crops/flowers in both garden boxes and soil patches [*] When the tin polluter is destroyed, it now leaves behind some acid, which can be used to fill bottles [*] Reduced the price of the Gatling Gun from 5,000 to 2,500, and the price of the recipe from 10,000 to 5,000 [*] Adjusted combat in Blackrock Cave in Dread Valley, Fool's Gold Grotto, and GritCorp Factory based on community feedback: [list] [*] Increased Hitbox for some agents that were hard to hit [*] Slowed down boar chasing speed [*] Added cooldown for the Driller Boss's drill in Blackrock Cavern [*] Increased cooldown for Grit Corp driller's attack in Blackrock Cavern [*] Made resources respawn in Blackrock Cavern [*] Tweaked some level design in the GritCorp Factory Cave [*] Reduced health for Robots and their spawning time [*] Added explosion effect on Explosive steel arrows [*] Added cover points to Westwood trees and some construction elements [*] Poachers were missing from the poacher's camp and have been re-added [/list] [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed the issue where Juan's milk Quest won't complete when you bring him milk [*] Fixed an issue where you could pick up items into an inventory slot from which another item was being moved, causing both items to occupy the same slot [*] Fixed the issue where deeds and treasure maps wouldn't appear in the journal [*] Fixed an issue where a bandit act in Westwood didn't work as intended [*] Fixed an issue where jumping over fences with a horse in a multiplayer game would cause the horse to snap back when dismounted [*] Fixed an issue where Annabelle wouldn't sleep in her bed [*] Fixed an issue where you couldn’t talk to a quest NPC before bringing a specific quest item [*] Fixed an issue where you couldn't tell Teddy that you killed the white bat and the black boar [*] Fixed an issue where players couldn't destroy the rock crushing Sir Lorren in multiplayer [*] Fixed an issue where players would get screen shake from events in the world that were too far away from them [*] Fixed an issue where the shovel's digging animations weren’t working [*] Fixed bug with the Reverend's speech getting stuck at Kasper's answer [/list] [h2]Others[/h2] [list] [*] Changed the white deputy hat into a dark brown Sheriff hat [*] Fixed an issue where loading screen tips would not be localized, or properly randomized [*] We made the indigo color more blue [*] The game will now detect corrupt save files and give you the option to restore a backup from the last session [/list] There are some issues that although we have fixed, due to them happening in very unique scenarios, we will continue to keep an eye out for them in case they pop up again. So please let us know if you experience any issues. [list] [*] Fixed an issue where Yara wouldn't go to Yara's Crest [*] Fixed an issue where Yara wouldn't go to Rocky Falls [*] Fixed an issue where the Deputy could get stuck at the pier [*] The hideout in Westwood now respawns if it's destroyed [/list]