Hotfix 1.0.69p

Howdy cowpokes, Hotfix [b]1.0.69[/b] is out now. We want to thank all of you again for being patient while we are fixing these issues and adjusting some of the gameplay to make it more clear how to progress. Here's the list of fixes and changes: [list] [*] Improved communication about how to complete construction tasks that require both a room and an interior [*] Fixed an issue where two quest-related rocks were telepathically linked: the rocks at Jerry's spot and Sir Lorren's [*] Fixed an issue where animals would walk through the water trough [*] Fixed an issue where painted barn elements wouldn't count for relevant ledger tasks [*] Various level design improvements and tweaks [*] Fixed an issue where Yara wouldn't open her shop properly [*] Fixed an issue where you couldn't use the scroll wheel in the Quests menu [*] Fixed an issue where some painted objects would give the wrong things back when dismantling [*] Fixed an issue where some recipes were free [*] Improved spawning and respawning logic [*] Fixed an issue where Sir Lorren would appear randomly near Frank's Ranch on new save games - we're looking into fixing this for existing save files [*] Fixed an issue where some broken things weren't being recognized as broken - the broken hand bridge [*] Fixed some issues with item descriptions in Howard's Treasure Hunt [*] Fixed some missing translations in some ledger tasks [*] Fixed Alice not showing any trust in the UI [/list]