Howdy cowpokes,
Hotfix [b]1.0.135p[/b] is out now!
Here's a list of all the changes and fixes coming with it:
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
[*] Fixed an issue where Reverend Book's name would be "...Reverend Book..."
[*] Fixed an issue where the screen would sometimes shake when you took damage
[*] Fixed an issue where "Wild River Prairie" would be called "...Wild River Prairie." on the map
[*] Fixed an issue where the "Westwood" location on the map would be called "Missing Translation"
[*] Fixed an issue where the Westwood Deed didn't have any text when opening it up
[*] The Belle Suite apartment deed now works - ask the Reverend for details
[*] Fixed an issue where players could tell Kasper information they shouldn't have
[*] Fixed an issue where some looping audio clips would sometimes linger in the game
[*] Fixed an issue where you would swim on the ground near the ranch's lake after freeing the river
[*] Fixed an issue where the final dialogue with the deputy got cut off and had missing translation
[*] Fixed an issue where the death sound effect and the intro letter sound effect didn't respect the volume sliders
[*] Fixed an issue where the notification icon on the crafting button would never go away
[*] Fixed an issue where you couldn't build jail walls
[*] Fixed an issue where crafting a leather saddle would start Kasper's quest
[*] Fixed an issue where Aiyana and Nayati could spawn too far away from where she's supposed to be
[*] Fixed an issue where the audio volume was still audible even when sliders were turned all the way down
[*] Fixed an issue where ledger tasks related to horses used the wrong icon
[*] Fixed an issue where Marta didn't stay put
[*] Fixed the holes in the ground in Deadwood
[*] Fixed an issue where you couldn't read the tombstones in Belleville
[*] Fixed an issue where some painted variants of the store window couldn't be painted
[*] Fixed an issue where players would get a recipe multiple times from Kasper
[*] Fixed an issue where Teddy didn't recognize finishing the White Bat and Black Boar quests
[*] Improved storage container logic to reduce the chance that they get in a state where they can't be opened
[*] You can now buy the sheriff's hat recipe from the Deputy
[*] You can now buy a chandelier and fancy fireplace recipe from Alice
[*] You can no longer buy the deprecated hardwood elements from Jacques
[*] You can now buy two new hardwood roof types from Jacques
[*] Improved Jacques' ability to walk back to his plot of land
[*] You can now buy iron fence and gate from Yong
[*] You can now sell all minerals to Sir Lorren
[*] Teddy now gives a better introduction to the White Bat and Black Boar quests
[*] Improved performance when multiple players are scattered around the map
[*] The barn windows now have shutters
[*] Improved Aiyana's ability to walk back to Bawk's Peak
[*] You can now buy a chair for Annabelle and a rainbow rug
[*] Adjusted the color on the Wild Indigo Ranch gate sign
[*] Adjusted the amount selection UI for better readability
[*] You can now craft recipes in bulk (x1, x5 or x10)
[h2]Game balance/adjustments[/h2]
Adjusted the value of various items
[*] Increased the value of Rat Butts from $1 to $12
[*] Decreased the value of Nails from $80 to $11
[*] Decreased the buy price of Paints from $37 to $10
[*] Decreased the buy price of Gatlin Bullets from $25 to $18
[*] Decreased the buy price of Shotgun Shells from $16 to $14
[*] Decreased the buy price of Rifle Bullets from $20 to $14
[*] Decreased the buy price of Spiky Hat from $125 to $40
[*] Decreased the buy price of Drywood Beam from $10 to $2
[*] Decreased the buy price of Drywood Plank from $10 to $4
[*] Decreased the buy price of Plank from $15 to $8
[*] Decreased the buy price of Wooden Beam from $15 to $4
[*] Decreased the buy price of Wooden Shaft from $15 to $2
[*] Decreased the buy price of Hardwood Plank from $22 to $12
[*] Decreased the buy price of Hardwood Shaft from $22 to $6
[*] Decreased the buy price of Carrot Seeds from $30 to $7
[*] Decreased the buy price of Lettuce Seeds from $30 to $7
[*] Decreased the buy price of Onion Seeds from $30 to $7
[*] Decreased the buy price of Corn Seeds from $40 to $10
[*] Decreased the buy price of Squash Seeds from $40 to $10
[*] Decreased the buy price of Pumpkin Seeds from $40 to $10
[*] Decreased the buy price of Copper Pipe from $27 to $7